I have chosen OsiriX because it has all of the most advanced features compared to expensive alternatives and is truly perfect.
I believe that it helped me a lot and nothing compares to it when it comes to reliability. One of the best things I like about this software is that it is useful in teaching, researching or reviewing. This is even more beneficial for patient care or clinical workflow. OsiriX also has a plug-in architecture that gives the opportunity of expanding its capabilities and I really enjoyed the experience of developing a plugin to measures paths from 3D surfaces (3D SurfaceLength).
With its ultrafast performance and intuitive interactive user interface, I assure you that this is the best DICOM viewer I had the opportunity to use. One of the finest things to love about this software is that it has its innovative technique intended for 3D/4D/5D navigation. The visualization and navigation of multidimensional and multimodality images is made possible with the use of OsiriX. As an OsiriX user, also an OsiriX teacher and an OsiriX researcher, I am just one of those who are amazed because of it being entirely different, flexible, intuitive and an open future in imaging. Thus, I highly recommend this software.